Jefferson County ranks number one in Colorado in terms of the number of homes in high and extreme wildfire risk areas, according to Verisk/ISO Stateline Report – with Evergreen and Conifer ranking among the highest risk areas. That’s higher than communities such as Sonoma County, Butte County or Shasta County – all of which saw major wildfire destruction in 2017-2018.
The impact of a 100,000-acre wildfire in west Jefferson County could result in the evacuation of 60,000 people; the destruction of 10,000 homes and 100 businesses; and an estimated minimum of $5 billion in losses. The county’s topography, dense conifer forests, dry weather and an abundance of lightning strikes drive wildfire risk.
The impact of a 100,000-acre wildfire in west Jefferson County could result in the evacuation of 60,000 people; the destruction of 10,000 homes and 100 businesses; and an estimated minimum of $5 billion in losses. The county’s topography, dense conifer forests, dry weather and an abundance of lightning strikes drive wildfire risk.
Emergency Communication Resources
In Case of Emergency, CALL 911Jefferson County
Local News
My Mountain Town: Great source of information on emergency topics for Evergreen, Conifer, Pine, Bailey, Genesee, Lookout Mountain and FairPlay. It's FREE. Go the website. FM RADIO: KCFR (90.1) KOA-AM (94.1) KLZ-AM(100.7) AM RADIO: KLZ (560) KHOW (630) KNUS(710) KOA (850) KGNU (1390) |
Jefferson County Resources
State ResourcesArapahoe & Roosevelt National Forest 970-295-6600
Elk Creek Fire DepartmentEvergreen Fire RescueFoothills Fire DepartmentGenesee Fire RescueIndian Hills Fire DepartmentInter-Canyon DepartmentJefferson Com 911Jefferson County SheriffLake George FireMy Mountain TownNorth Fork Fire RescuePlatte Canyon Fire DepartmentWest Metro Fire Rescue |
Community Wildfire Protection PlansELK CREEK FIRE DEPARTMENT
2011 Community Wildfire Protection Plan EVERGREEN FIRE RESCUE
2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan FOOTHILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT
2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan GENESEE FIRE RESCUE
2008 Community Wildfire Protection Plan INTER-CANYON FIRE RESCUE
2007 Community Wildfire Protection Plan PLATTE CANYON FIRE DEPARTMENT
2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan |