Harden Your Home
Not all homes are built the same. The materials, design and construction of your home plays a large role in your home's likelihood of surviving a wildfire.
Not all homes are built the same. The materials, design and construction of your home plays a large role in your home's likelihood of surviving a wildfire.
Harden Your Home “Home Hardening” is the process of preparing your home for the dangers posed by wildfires by proactively safeguarding its most vulnerable components and retrofitting them with fire-resistant building materials.
Things You Can Do to Harden Your Home #1 : Roof
Your roof is the most vulnerable part of your home. Homes with wood shake roofs are particularly at high risk of being destroyed during a wildfire.
Vents on your home create openings for flying embers.
Heat from a wildfire can cause windows and skylights to break even before the home ignites – allowing burning embers to enter and start fires inside. Single-pane windows in particular can easily break from heat exposure.
#4: Decks Decks should be built with ignition-resistant, non-combustible materials.
Debris in your gutters is a key source of ignition in an ember fire.
Maintain a Five-Foot Non-Combustible Zone Around Your HomeResearch shows that creation and maintenance of a 5 foot noncombustible area around your home is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your home from embers. Wind-blown embers can accumulate at the base of an exterior wall and ignite combustible debris around your home. To keep fire away from your home, maintain a five foot zone around your foundation.
Colorado State Forestry |
ROTARY WILDFIRE READYRotary Wildfire Ready is a community-based project designed to increase wildfire awareness and education, and to help make our front range communities safer from the threat of wildfire. Rotary Wildfire Ready is funded through the Evergreen Rotary Foundation which is a 501(3)(c) Colorado nonprofit and is comprised of a working group that includes Rotary Clubs of Evergreen, Boulder, Conifer and Mountain Foothills, local Fire Department Representatives, Community Leaders in Evergreen, Conifer, Genesee and Bailey, Colorado and Fire Adapted Colorado.