Act Early Before Wildfire Approaches
Your very best chance of surviving a wildfire is by being ready to go
and evacuating early. If time allows, make sure you go through your pre-evacuation preparations to maximize your home's defenses.
and evacuating early. If time allows, make sure you go through your pre-evacuation preparations to maximize your home's defenses.
Monitor Official Information SourcesBe prepared to help keep your family and your home safe if a wildfire occurs.
Stay informed and monitor official fire information sources. Prepare for EvacuationLeave as soon as evacuation is recommended by fire officials to avoid being caught in fire, smoke or road congestion.
Don’t wait to be ordered by authorities to leave. What to Wear During EvacuationWildfires produce sparks, embers and extreme heat. What you wear during an evacuation can also help keep you safer.
Red Flag WarningThis is Your Preliminary Warning
Put Your "Go Bag" In or Near Your Car Review Your Evacuation Checklist Put Important Documents in an Area that Can Be Quickly Loaded Ensure Phones are Charged and Car Gassed Up Pre-Evacuation Alert(Note: Alerts can be different by county, please see Regional Information for your county's alerts)Evacuate As Soon
As Possible A Short Delay to Prepare Home May Be Okay Leave If You Feel Unsafe There is a wildfire in your area that may require you to evacuate in the near future. You should be prepared to leave at a moment's notice. If you feel you are in danger and want to leave, do so. If you need additional time to evacuate, you should consider leaving now. If you need to arrange for transportation assistance, do so immediately. If you have livestock or other large animals, you should consider removing them from your area now. Evacuation Order(Note: Alerts can be different by county, please see Regional Information for your county's alerts)Leave Now !
Evacuate Immediately Do NOT Delay to Gather Belongings or Prepare Your Home. There is a wildfire in your area and you have been ordered to evacuate immediately. If you need assistance evacuating yourself or animals, call 911. You will be provided the safest escape routes known, so make sure you follow the instructions as other routes may be closed or impassable. You will also be told where an evacuation point has been established to provide information and safe place if you have nowhere else to go. Do not delay -evacuation means you need to leave immediately !